"The Public Must Understand Agriculture"

Photograph taken by Dr. Funkhouser during Ag Week in 2005

If you heard the cow mooing out on the brickyard this morning, you probably realized that today starts Agricultural Awareness Week here at North Carolina State University and across the nation !  In celebration, we'll be highlighting materials we've digitized for Cultivating a Revolution , our agricultural digitization project in the Special Collections Research Center, all week.

To start the week off, we're posting a link to a speech given in the early 1960s by David S. Weaver.  Weaver was a life long proponent of the importance of agriculture in North Carolina.  He was instrumental in expanding electricity to rural areas of the state in the 1930s and 1940s, and served as both head of the Department of Agricultural Engineering at NCSU and head of the Agricultural Extension Service.  In the speech, Weaver discusses a theme that is still heard today - that many Americans don't know where their food comes from and it is important to educate consumers on the important role agriculture has to play in the daily life of all people. To read the whole speech go here: "The Public Must Understand Agriculture" or click on the first page below.

Check in daily for more Ag Week highlights!